Thursday, April 28, 2011

NOTICIAS! Detección de falso positivo Generic.dxYxk en DAT6329

English Version:
Hola a todos ... noticias de McAfee

McAfee Labs ha recibido varios informes de detección de falsos positivos en el software de SAP. Esto está afectando la funcionalidad de SAP conectividad telefónica.

Detección de nombre (s) causa la falsa: ! Generic.dx yxk
Nombre del archivo (s): Spsgui.exe
Nombre de la empresa: SAP
Fecha de la primera aparición: 28 de abril 2011
Versión DAT: 6329
DAT, versión que contiene la solución: 6330 - tiempo del lanzamiento estimada para este DAT es a las 14:00 CET.
NOTA: Esto está sujeto a la finalización exitosa de las pruebas de control de calidad.
Solución del problema actual: Un EXTRA.DAT negativa a suprimir la detección se adjunta a este artículo Base de Conocimientos. los clientes afectados se recomienda aplicar el EXTRA.DAT negativos y utilizar la función de restauración de cuarentena para recuperar el archivo eliminado incorrectamente.

NEWS!!! False Positive Detection Generic.dx!yxk in DAT 6329

Spanish Version

Hey from McAfee

McAfee Labs has received multiple reports of a false positive detection in SAP software. This is impacting SAP telephone connectivity functionality.

Detection name(s) causing the false: Generic.dx!yxk
File Name(s): Spsgui.exe
Company Name: SAP
Date of First Occurrence: 28th April 2011
DAT Version: 6329
DAT Version Containing the Fix: 6330 - Estimated release time for this DAT is 14:00 BST. NOTE: This is subject to successful completion of QA testing.
Current Workaround: A negative extra.dat to suppress the detection is attached to this KnowledgeBase article. Affected customers are recommended to apply the negative extra.dat and utilize the quarantine restore function to retrieve the incorrectly removed file.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monitor Samsung 932 NW 19'' no tiene señal de video ( para técnicos electrónicos .o no)

Volviendo a mi antigüa pasió electrónica, me pasó con mi monitor Samsung syncMaster 932 nw de 19 pulg. que lo tenía desde hace un año, y hace unos días cuando enciendo la pc, no se observa nada absolutamente y luego de algunos minutos (varios 5 o tal vez 10), aparece recién el escritorio.
Ultimamente luego de unos minutos el monitor pasaba a STAND BY, luego de un tiempo el monitor enciende pero no muestra imagen, en un principio pensé que era la placa de video, pero hoy me doy con que es el monitor.
Despues de desarmarlo veo que el porblema está en la fuente del monitor, y en los dos capacitores electrolíticos de salida de la fuente (1000 microfaradios x 10 v)...felizmente quedó arreglado :)

Don't worry be happy...


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to import/export user's contacts in LCS 2005 SP1/OCS 2007/OCS 2007 R2?

New! Spanish Version

We may happen that an user accidentally delete his LCS/OCS2007 's contacts from MOC 2005/2007 distracted or an administrator deleted it or has moved the user from one environment to another, and simply he lost these contacts (by forcing the movement.)
Another thing that can happen is that the user move from one environment to another several times, he/she can not connect with their MOC clients.
In short, we can recover these contacts if you do a pre-export the database to a file and then just import the affected user.
Using the tool supplied tools in support of LCS / OCS dbimpexp.exe

¿Cómo exportar o importar contactos de usuarios en LCS 2005 SP1/OCS 2007/OCS 2007 R2?

Nuevo! English Version

Nos puede pasar que por error un usuario de LCS/OCS2007 borre sus contactos desde su MOC 2005/2007 o que un administrador distraído los borre o que al mover al usuario de un entorno al otro , simplemente se pierdan (al forzar el movimiento).
Otra cosa que pued pasar es que al mover el usuario desde un entorno al otro varias veces, el mismo no pueda conectarse con su cliente MOC.
En definitiva, podemos recuperar dichos contactos si de antemano hacemo una exportación de la base de datos a un archivo y luego solo importamos el usuario afectado.
Usando la herramienta que viene en las support tools de LCS/OCS dbimpexp.exe

Monday, April 18, 2011

Noticias !!! - - Exchange 2010 management tools después de instalar el hotfix .NET KB 2449742

New! English Version
Nos hemos dado cuenta de un problema que afecta a las herramientas de administración de Exchange en servidores que ejecutan Exchange 2010 en Windows Server 2008 SP2.

Nota: Windows 2008 R2 sistemas no parecen verse afectados.
Los síntomas del problema son:
  • Exchange 2010 management no se inicia
  • Puede haber un problema en el buzón de Exchange Replication Service (no está claro todavía si esto está relacionado)
  • Visor de sucesos puede tener problemas para abrirlo
Los siguientes eventos se pudo registrar en el registro de sucesos de aplicación:

IPv6 y Exchange 2010

New!! English Version

Exchange 2010 funciona con IPv6??? Sigamos abajo..

Protocolo de Internet versión 6 (IPv6) es la reciente versión del Protocolo Internet (IP). IPv6 se diseñó para corregir muchas de las deficiencias de IPv4, que era la versión anterior del período de investigación. En Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, IPv6 sólo se admite cuando también se utiliza IPv4, un entorno puro de IPv6 no es compatible. El uso de direcciones IPv6 y rangos de direcciones IP sólo se admite cuando ambos IPv6 e IPv4 están habilitados en el equipo que ejecuta Exchange 2010, y la red es compatible con versiones de dirección IP . Si Exchange 2010 se implementa en esta configuración, todas las funciones de servidor de datos puede enviar y recibir datos de los dispositivos, servidores y clientes que utilizan direcciones IPv6.
En este tema se discute el direccionamiento IPv6 en Exchange 2010. Para obtener información adicional acerca de IPv6, consulte IPv6 y la compatibilidad con IPv6 en Exchange 2007 SP1 y SP2 .

Componentes de Exchange 2010 e IPv6

Sunday, April 17, 2011

NEWS!!! Asia out of IPv4 addresses .Who will be next??

I want to share this news about IPv4 and one tutorial about IPv6, please check this IPv6 forum : .

And..... for Exchange 2010 ???? check my previous post
Spanish Version

The article:
The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) has run out of all but a handful of IPv4 addresses that it is holding in reserve for start-up network operators.
APNIC is the first of the Internet's five regional Internet registries to deplete its free pool of IPv4 address space.
APNIC's news is another sign that CIOs and other IT executives need to begin migrating to IPv6, the long-anticipated upgrade to the Internet's main communications protocol known as IPv4.

IPv6 and Exchange 2010

New! Spanish Version
Exchange 2010 works with IPv6??? Check below

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP). IPv6 is intended to correct many of the shortcomings of IPv4, which was the previous version of the IP. In Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, IPv6 is supported only when IPv4 is also used; a pure IPv6 environment isn't supported. Using IPv6 addresses and IP address ranges is supported only when both IPv6 and IPv4 are enabled on the computer running Exchange 2010, and the network supports both IP address versions. If Exchange 2010 is deployed in this configuration, all server roles can send data to and receive data from devices, servers, and clients that use IPv6 addresses.
This topic discusses IPv6 addressing in Exchange 2010. For additional background information about IPv6, see IPv6 and IPv6 Support in Exchange 2007 SP1 and SP2.

Exchange 2010 components and IPv6

Saturday, April 16, 2011

NEWS!!! - - Exchange 2010 management tools do not start after the installation of .NET hotfix KB 2449742

New! Spanish Version
We have become aware of a problem that impacts Exchange management tools on servers running Exchange 2010 on Windows Server 2008 SP2.
Note: Windows 2008 R2 systems do not seem to be impacted.
The symptoms of the problem are:
  • Exchange Management Shell does not start
  • Exchange Management Console does not start
  • There might be a crash in Exchange Mailbox Replication Service (it is not clear yet if this is related)
  • Event Viewer might have trouble opening
The following events could be logged in the Application event log:

Friday, April 15, 2011

RMS Client for Outlook 2003

Hi folks,
after configure successfully Rights Management Service (RMS) in my Exchange 2010 lab, and by default automatically works from OWA 2010 side. But from Outlook 2003  ..we need some steps for use it
When you open you Outlook 2003 client yo can see a new toolbar icon  

After clicking, the below pop up windows will be showed up

Thursday, April 14, 2011

OCS/LCS Presence status KNOWN and Improperly Homed SIP URI(s)

Hi all,
all last week, my fellow and I squeeze our brains trying to find the cause of a problem between users presence status of LCS 2005 SP1 and OCS 2007 R2.
In first please we have installed all hotfixes at server level and communicator level without luck. (check the patches below)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Description of security events in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008

This post  describes various security-related and auditing-related events in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008. This article also provides information about how to interpret these events. All these events appear in the Security log and are logged with a source of "Security-Auditing."

Category: Account Logon

Subcategory: Credential Validation

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4774An account was mapped for logon.
4775An account could not be mapped for logon.
4776The domain controller attempted to validate the credentials for an account.
4777The domain controller failed to validate the credentials for an account.

Subcategory: Kerberos Authentication Service

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4768A Kerberos authentication ticket (TGT) was requested.
4771Kerberos pre-authentication failed.
4772A Kerberos authentication ticket request failed.

Subcategory: Kerberos Service Ticket Operations

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4769A Kerberos service ticket was requested.
4770A Kerberos service ticket was renewed.
4773A Kerberos service ticket request failed.

Category: Account Management

Subcategory: Application Group Management

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4783A basic application group was created.
4784A basic application group was changed.
4785A member was added to a basic application group.
4786A member was removed from a basic application group.
4787A non-member was added to a basic application group.
4788A non-member was removed from a basic application group.
4789A basic application group was deleted.
4790An LDAP query group was created.
4791A basic application group was changed.
4792An LDAP query group was deleted.

Subcategory: Computer Account Management

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4741A computer account was created.
4742A computer account was changed.
4743A computer account was deleted.

Subcategory: Distribution Group Management

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4744A security-disabled local group was created.
4745A security-disabled local group was changed.
4746A member was added to a security-disabled local group.
4747A member was removed from a security-disabled local group.
4748A security-disabled local group was deleted.
4749A security-disabled global group was created.
4750A security-disabled global group was changed.
4751A member was added to a security-disabled global group.
4752A member was removed from a security-disabled global group.
4753A security-disabled global group was deleted.
4759A security-disabled universal group was created.
4760A security-disabled universal group was changed.
4761A member was added to a security-disabled universal group.
4762A member was removed from a security-disabled universal group.

Subcategory: Other Account Management Events

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4739Domain Policy was changed.
4782The password hash an account was accessed.
4793The Password Policy Checking API was called.

Subcategory: Security Group Management

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4727A security-enabled global group was created.
4728A member was added to a security-enabled global group.
4729A member was removed from a security-enabled global group.
4730A security-enabled global group was deleted.
4731A security-enabled local group was created.
4732A member was added to a security-enabled local group.
4733A member was removed from a security-enabled local group.
4734A security-enabled local group was deleted.
4735A security-enabled local group was changed.
4737A security-enabled global group was changed.
4754A security-enabled universal group was created.
4755A security-enabled universal group was changed.
4756A member was added to a security-enabled universal group.
4757A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group.
4758A security-enabled universal group was deleted.
4764A group’s type was changed.

Subcategory: User Account Management

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4720A user account was created.
4722A user account was enabled.
4723An attempt was made to change an account's password.
4724An attempt was made to reset an account's password.
4725A user account was disabled.
4726A user account was deleted.
4738A user account was changed.
4740A user account was locked out.
4765SID History was added to an account.
4766An attempt to add SID History to an account failed.
4767A user account was unlocked.
4780The ACL was set on accounts which are members of administrators groups.
4781The name of an account was changed:
4794An attempt was made to set the Directory Services Restore Mode.
5376Credential Manager credentials were backed up.
5377Credential Manager credentials were restored from a backup.

Category: Detailed Tracking

Subcategory: DPAPI Activity

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4692Backup of data protection master key was attempted.
4693Recovery of data protection master key was attempted.
4694Protection of auditable protected data was attempted.
4695Unprotection of auditable protected data was attempted.

Subcategory: Process Creation

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4688A new process has been created.
4696A primary token was assigned to process.

Subcategory: Process Termination

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4689A process has exited.

Subcategory: RPC Events

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5712A Remote Procedure Call (RPC) was attempted.

Category: DS Access

Subcategory: Detailed Directory Service Replication

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4928An Active Directory replica source naming context was established.
4929 An Active Directory replica source naming context was removed.
4930 An Active Directory replica source naming context was modified.
4931 An Active Directory replica destination naming context was modified.
4934 Attributes of an Active Directory object were replicated.
4935 Replication failure begins.
4936 Replication failure ends.
4937 A lingering object was removed from a replica.

Subcategory: Directory Service Access

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4662 An operation was performed on an object.

Subcategory: Directory Service Changes

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5136 A directory service object was modified.
5137 A directory service object was created.
5138 A directory service object was undeleted.
5139 A directory service object was moved.

Note The following event in the Directory Service Changes subcategory is available only in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and in Windows Server 2008.
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5141A directory service object was deleted.

Subcategory: Directory Service Replication

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4932Synchronization of a replica of an Active Directory naming context has begun.
4933Synchronization of a replica of an Active Directory naming context has ended.

Category: Logon/Logoff

Subcategory: IPsec Extended Mode

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4978During Extended Mode negotiation, IPsec received an invalid negotiation packet. If this problem persists, it could indicate a network issue or an attempt to modify or replay this negotiation.
4979IPsec Main Mode and Extended Mode security associations were established.
4980IPsec Main Mode and Extended Mode security associations were established.
4981IPsec Main Mode and Extended Mode security associations were established.
4982IPsec Main Mode and Extended Mode security associations were established.
4983An IPsec Extended Mode negotiation failed. The corresponding Main Mode security association has been deleted.
4984An IPsec Extended Mode negotiation failed. The corresponding Main Mode security association has been deleted.

Subcategory: IPsec Main Mode

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4646IKE DoS-prevention mode started.
4650An IPsec Main Mode security association was established. Extended Mode was not enabled. Certificate authentication was not used.
4651An IPsec Main Mode security association was established. Extended Mode was not enabled. A certificate was used for authentication.
4652An IPsec Main Mode negotiation failed.
4653An IPsec Main Mode negotiation failed.
4655An IPsec Main Mode security association ended.
4976During Main Mode negotiation, IPsec received an invalid negotiation packet. If this problem persists, it could indicate a network issue or an attempt to modify or replay this negotiation.
5049An IPsec Security Association was deleted.
5453An IPsec negotiation with a remote computer failed because the IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules (IKEEXT) service is not started.

Subcategory: IPsec Quick Mode

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4654An IPsec Quick Mode negotiation failed.
4977During Quick Mode negotiation, IPsec received an invalid negotiation packet. If this problem persists, it could indicate a network issue or an attempt to modify or replay this negotiation.
5451An IPsec Quick Mode security association was established.
5452An IPsec Quick Mode security association ended.

Subcategory: Logoff

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4634An account was logged off.
4647User initiated logoff.

Subcategory: Logon

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4624An account was successfully logged on.
4625An account failed to log on.
4648A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.
4675SIDs were filtered.
Note All the events in the Network Policy Server subcategory are available only in Windows Vista Service Pack 1 and in Windows Server 2008.

Subcategory: Network Policy Server

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6272Network Policy Server granted access to a user.
6273Network Policy Server denied access to a user.
6274Network Policy Server discarded the request for a user.
6275Network Policy Server discarded the accounting request for a user.
6276Network Policy Server quarantined a user.
6277Network Policy Server granted access to a user but put it on probation because the host did not meet the defined health policy.
6278Network Policy Server granted full access to a user because the host met the defined health policy.
6279Network Policy Server locked the user account due to repeated failed authentication attempts.
6280Network Policy Server unlocked the user account.

Subcategory: Other Logon/Logoff Events

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4649A replay attack was detected.
4778A session was reconnected to a Window Station.
4779A session was disconnected from a Window Station.
4800The workstation was locked.
4801The workstation was unlocked.
4802The screen saver was invoked.
4803The screen saver was dismissed.
5378The requested credentials delegation was disallowed by policy.
5632A request was made to authenticate to a wireless network.
5633A request was made to authenticate to a wired network.

Subcategory: Special Logon

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4964 Special groups have been assigned to a new logon.

Category: Object Access

Subcategory: Application Generated

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4665An attempt was made to create an application client context.
4666An application attempted an operation:
4667An application client context was deleted.
4668An application was initialized.

Subcategory: Certification Services

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4868The certificate manager denied a pending certificate request.
4869Certificate Services received a resubmitted certificate request.
4870Certificate Services revoked a certificate.
4871Certificate Services received a request to publish the certificate revocation list (CRL).
4872Certificate Services published the certificate revocation list (CRL).
4873A certificate request extension changed.
4874One or more certificate request attributes changed.
4875Certificate Services received a request to shut down.
4876Certificate Services backup started.
4877Certificate Services backup completed.
4878Certificate Services restore started.
4879Certificate Services restore completed.
4880Certificate Services started.
4881Certificate Services stopped.
4882 The security permissions for Certificate Services changed.
4883Certificate Services retrieved an archived key.
4884Certificate Services imported a certificate into its database.
4885The audit filter for Certificate Services changed.
4886Certificate Services received a certificate request.
4887Certificate Services approved a certificate request and issued a certificate.
4888Certificate Services denied a certificate request.
4889Certificate Services set the status of a certificate request to pending.
4890The certificate manager settings for Certificate Services changed.
4891A configuration entry changed in Certificate Services.
4892A property of Certificate Services changed.
4893Certificate Services archived a key.
4894Certificate Services imported and archived a key.
4895Certificate Services published the CA certificate to Active Directory Domain Services.
4896One or more rows have been deleted from the certificate database.
4897Role separation enabled:
4898Certificate Services loaded a template.
4899A Certificate Services template was updated.
4900Certificate Services template security was updated.
5120OCSP Responder Service Started.
5121OCSP Responder Service Stopped.
5122A Configuration entry changed in the OCSP Responder Service.
5123A configuration entry changed in the OCSP Responder Service.
5124A security setting was updated on OCSP Responder Service.
5125A request was submitted to OCSP Responder Service.
5126Signing Certificate was automatically updated by the OCSP Responder Service.
5127The OCSP Revocation Provider successfully updated the revocation information.

Subcategory: File Share

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5140A network share object was accessed.

Subcategory: File System

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4664An attempt was made to create a hard link.
4985The state of a transaction has changed.
5051A file was virtualized.

Subcategory: Filtering Platform Connection

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5031The Windows Firewall Service blocked an application from accepting incoming connections on the network.
5154The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted an application or service to listen on a port for incoming connections.
5155 The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked an application or service from listening on a port for incoming connections.
5156The Windows Filtering Platform has allowed a connection.
5157The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.
5158The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted a bind to a local port.
5159The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a bind to a local port.

Subcategory: Filtering Platform Packet Drop

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5152The Windows Filtering Platform blocked a packet.
5153A more restrictive Windows Filtering Platform filter has blocked a packet.

Subcategory: Handle Manipulation

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4656A handle to an object was requested.
4658The handle to an object was closed.
4690An attempt was made to duplicate a handle to an object.

Subcategory: Other Object Access Events

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4671An application attempted to access a blocked ordinal through the TBS.
4691Indirect access to an object was requested.
4698A scheduled task was created.
4699 A scheduled task was deleted.
4700 A scheduled task was enabled.
4701A scheduled task was disabled.
4702 A scheduled task was updated.
5888An object in the COM+ Catalog was modified.
5889An object was deleted from the COM+ Catalog.
5890An object was added to the COM+ Catalog.

Subcategory: Registry

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4657 A registry value was modified.
5039A registry key was virtualized.

Subcategory: Special Multi-use Subcategory

Note The following event may be generated by any resource manager when its subcategory is enabled. For example, the following event may be generated by the Registry resource manager or by the File System resource manager. The "Object Access: Kernel Object" and "Object Access: SAM" subcategories are examples of subcategories that use these events exclusively.
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4659A handle to an object was requested with intent to delete.
4660An object was deleted.
4661A handle to an object was requested.
4663An attempt was made to access an object.

Category: Policy Change

Subcategory: Audit Policy Change

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4715The audit policy (SACL) on an object was changed.
4719System audit policy was changed.
4902The Per-user audit policy table was created.
4904An attempt was made to register a security event source.
4905An attempt was made to unregister a security event source.
4906The CrashOnAuditFail value has changed.
4907Auditing settings on object were changed.
4908Special Groups Logon table modified.
4912Per User Audit Policy was changed.

Subcategory: Authentication Policy Change

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4706A new trust was created to a domain.
4707A trust to a domain was removed.
4713Kerberos policy was changed.
4716Trusted domain information was modified.
4717System security access was granted to an account.
4718System security access was removed from an account.
4864A namespace collision was detected.
4865A trusted forest information entry was added.
4866A trusted forest information entry was removed.
4867A trusted forest information entry was modified.

Subcategory: Authorization Policy Change

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4704A user right was assigned.
4705A user right was removed.
4714Encrypted data recovery policy was changed.

Subcategory: Filtering Platform Policy Change

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4709IPsec Services was started.
4710IPsec Services was disabled.
4711May contain any one of the following:
  • PAStore Engine applied locally cached copy of Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine applied Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine applied local registry storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine failed to apply locally cached copy of Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine failed to apply Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine failed to apply local registry storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine failed to apply some rules of the active IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine failed to load directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine loaded directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine failed to load local storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine loaded local storage IPsec policy on the computer.
  • PAStore Engine polled for changes to the active IPsec policy and detected no changes.
4712IPsec Services encountered a potentially serious failure.
5040A change has been made to IPsec settings. An Authentication Set was added.
5041A change has been made to IPsec settings. An Authentication Set was modified.
5042A change has been made to IPsec settings. An Authentication Set was deleted.
5043A change has been made to IPsec settings. A Connection Security Rule was added.
5044A change has been made to IPsec settings. A Connection Security Rule was modified.
5045A change has been made to IPsec settings. A Connection Security Rule was deleted.
5046A change has been made to IPsec settings. A Crypto Set was added.
5047A change has been made to IPsec settings. A Crypto Set was modified.
5048A change has been made to IPsec settings. A Crypto Set was deleted.
5440The following callout was present when the Windows Filtering Platform Base Filtering Engine started.
5441The following filter was present when the Windows Filtering Platform Base Filtering Engine started.
5442The following provider was present when the Windows Filtering Platform Base Filtering Engine started.
5443The following provider context was present when the Windows Filtering Platform Base Filtering Engine started.
5444 The following sub-layer was present when the Windows Filtering Platform Base Filtering Engine started.
5446A Windows Filtering Platform callout has been changed.
5448A Windows Filtering Platform provider has been changed.
5449A Windows Filtering Platform provider context has been changed.
5450A Windows Filtering Platform sub-layer has been changed.
5456PAStore Engine applied Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5457PAStore Engine failed to apply Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5458 PAStore Engine applied locally cached copy of Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5459PAStore Engine failed to apply locally cached copy of Active Directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5460PAStore Engine applied local registry storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5461PAStore Engine failed to apply local registry storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5462PAStore Engine failed to apply some rules of the active IPsec policy on the computer. Use the IP Security Monitor snap-in to diagnose the problem.
5463PAStore Engine polled for changes to the active IPsec policy and detected no changes.
5464PAStore Engine polled for changes to the active IPsec policy, detected changes, and applied them to IPsec Services.
5465PAStore Engine received a control for forced reloading of IPsec policy and processed the control successfully.
5466PAStore Engine polled for changes to the Active Directory IPsec policy, determined that Active Directory cannot be reached, and will use the cached copy of the Active Directory IPsec policy instead. Any changes made to the Active Directory IPsec policy since the last poll could not be applied.
5467PAStore Engine polled for changes to the Active Directory IPsec policy, determined that Active Directory can be reached, and found no changes to the policy. The cached copy of the Active Directory IPsec policy is no longer being used.
5468PAStore Engine polled for changes to the Active Directory IPsec policy, determined that Active Directory can be reached, found changes to the policy, and applied those changes. The cached copy of the Active Directory IPsec policy is no longer being used.
5471PAStore Engine loaded local storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5472PAStore Engine failed to load local storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5473PAStore Engine loaded directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5474PAStore Engine failed to load directory storage IPsec policy on the computer.
5477PAStore Engine failed to add quick mode filter.

Subcategory: MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change

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4944The following policy was active when the Windows Firewall started.
4945A rule was listed when the Windows Firewall started.
4946A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was added.
4947A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was modified.
4948A change has been made to Windows Firewall exception list. A rule was deleted.
4949Windows Firewall settings were restored to the default values.
4950A Windows Firewall setting has changed.
4951A rule has been ignored because its major version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall.
4952 Parts of a rule have been ignored because its minor version number was not recognized by Windows Firewall. The other parts of the rule will be enforced.
4953A rule has been ignored by Windows Firewall because it could not parse the rule.
4954Windows Firewall Group Policy settings have changed. The new settings have been applied.
4956Windows Firewall has changed the active profile.
4957Windows Firewall did not apply the following rule:
4958Windows Firewall did not apply the following rule because the rule referred to items not configured on this computer:
5050An attempt to programmatically disable the Windows Firewall using a call to INetFwProfile.FirewallEnabled(FALSE) interface was rejected because this API is not supported on Windows Vista. This has most likely occurred due to a program which is incompatible with Windows Vista. Please contact the program's manufacturer to make sure you have a Windows Vista compatible program version.

Subcategory: Other Policy Change Events

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4909The local policy settings for the TBS were changed.
4910The group policy settings for the TBS were changed.
5063A cryptographic provider operation was attempted.
5064A cryptographic context operation was attempted.
5065A cryptographic context modification was attempted.
5066A cryptographic function operation was attempted.
5067A cryptographic function modification was attempted.
5068A cryptographic function provider operation was attempted.
5069A cryptographic function property operation was attempted.
5070A cryptographic function property modification was attempted.
5447A Windows Filtering Platform filter has been changed.
6144Security policy in the group policy objects has been applied successfully.
6145One or more errors occurred while processing security policy in the group policy objects.

Subcategory: Special Multi-use Subcategory

Note The following event may be generated by any resource manager when its subcategory is enabled. For example, the following event may be generated by the Registry resource manager or by the File System resource manager.
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4670Permissions on an object were changed.

Category: Privilege Use

Subcategory: Sensitive Privilege Use / Non-Sensitive Privilege Use

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4672Special privileges assigned to new logon.
4673A privileged service was called.
4674An operation was attempted on a privileged object.

Category: System

Subcategory: IPsec Driver

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4960IPsec dropped an inbound packet that failed an integrity check. If this problem persists, it could indicate a network issue or that packets are being modified in transit to this computer. Verify that the packets sent from the remote computer are the same as those received by this computer. This error might also indicate interoperability problems with other IPsec implementations.
4961IPsec dropped an inbound packet that failed a replay check. If this problem persists, it could indicate a replay attack against this computer.
4962IPsec dropped an inbound packet that failed a replay check. The inbound packet had too low a sequence number to ensure it was not a replay.
4963IPsec dropped an inbound clear text packet that should have been secured. This is usually due to the remote computer changing its IPsec policy without informing this computer. This could also be a spoofing attack attempt.
4965IPsec received a packet from a remote computer with an incorrect Security Parameter Index (SPI). This is usually caused by malfunctioning hardware that is corrupting packets. If these errors persist, verify that the packets sent from the remote computer are the same as those received by this computer. This error may also indicate interoperability problems with other IPsec implementations. In that case, if connectivity is not impeded, then these events can be ignored.
5478IPsec Services has started successfully.
5479IPsec Services has been shut down successfully. The shutdown of IPsec Services can put the computer at greater risk of network attack or expose the computer to potential security risks.
5480IPsec Services failed to get the complete list of network interfaces on the computer. This poses a potential security risk because some of the network interfaces may not get the protection provided by the applied IPsec filters. Use the IP Security Monitor snap-in to diagnose the problem.
5483IPsec Services failed to initialize RPC server. IPsec Services could not be started.
5484IPsec Services has experienced a critical failure and has been shut down. The shutdown of IPsec Services can put the computer at greater risk of network attack or expose the computer to potential security risks.
5485IPsec Services failed to process some IPsec filters on a plug-and-play event for network interfaces. This poses a potential security risk because some of the network interfaces may not get the protection provided by the applied IPsec filters. Use the IP Security Monitor snap-in to diagnose the problem.

Subcategory: Other System Events

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5024 The Windows Firewall Service has started successfully.
5025 The Windows Firewall Service has been stopped.
5027 The Windows Firewall Service was unable to retrieve the security policy from the local storage. The service will continue enforcing the current policy.
5028 The Windows Firewall Service was unable to parse the new security policy. The service will continue with currently enforced policy.
5029The Windows Firewall Service failed to initialize the driver. The service will continue to enforce the current policy.
5030The Windows Firewall Service failed to start.
5032Windows Firewall was unable to notify the user that it blocked an application from accepting incoming connections on the network.
5033 The Windows Firewall Driver has started successfully.
5034 The Windows Firewall Driver has been stopped.
5035 The Windows Firewall Driver failed to start.
5037 The Windows Firewall Driver detected critical runtime error. Terminating.
5058Key file operation.
5059Key migration operation.

Subcategory: Security State Change

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4608Windows is starting up.
4616The system time was changed.
4621Administrator recovered system from CrashOnAuditFail. Users who are not administrators will now be allowed to log on. Some auditable activity might not have been recorded.

Subcategory: Security System Extension

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4610An authentication package has been loaded by the Local Security Authority.
4611A trusted logon process has been registered with the Local Security Authority.
4614A notification package has been loaded by the Security Account Manager.
4622A security package has been loaded by the Local Security Authority.
4697A service was installed in the system.

Subcategory: System Integrity

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4612 Internal resources allocated for the queuing of audit messages have been exhausted, leading to the loss of some audits.
4615 Invalid use of LPC port.
4618 A monitored security event pattern has occurred.
4816 RPC detected an integrity violation while decrypting an incoming message.
5038 Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.
5056A cryptographic self test was performed.
5057A cryptographic primitive operation failed.
5060Verification operation failed.
5061Cryptographic operation.
5062A kernel-mode cryptographic self test was performed.
  • To return a more detailed list of all security-auditing event entries, run the following command at an elevated command prompt as an administrator:
    wevtutil gp Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing /ge /gm:true
    The following example shows part of the output:

        value: 4706
        version: 0
        opcode: 0
        channel: 10
        level: 4
        task: 0
        keywords: 0x8000000000000000
        message: A new trust was created to a domain.
     Security ID:  Security ID
     Account Name:  Account Name
    Account Domain:  Account Domain
     Logon ID:  Logon ID
    Trusted Domain:
     Domain Name:  Domain Name
     Domain ID:  Domain ID
    Trust Information:
     Trust Type:  Trust Type
     Trust Direction: Trust Direction
     Trust Attributes: Trust Attributes
     SID Filtering:  SID Filtering
  • To return a list of all security-auditing categories and subcategories, run the following command at an elevated command prompt as an administrator:
    auditpol /list /subcategory:*
