Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to import/export user's contacts in LCS 2005 SP1/OCS 2007/OCS 2007 R2?

New! Spanish Version

We may happen that an user accidentally delete his LCS/OCS2007 's contacts from MOC 2005/2007 distracted or an administrator deleted it or has moved the user from one environment to another, and simply he lost these contacts (by forcing the movement.)
Another thing that can happen is that the user move from one environment to another several times, he/she can not connect with their MOC clients.
In short, we can recover these contacts if you do a pre-export the database to a file and then just import the affected user.
Using the tool supplied tools in support of LCS / OCS dbimpexp.exe

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007\Server\Support o en el CD de instalación:
To export
All users:
Standard Edition Server: dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:contacts.xml
Enterprise Pool: dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:contacts.xml /sqlserver:<SQL_Hostname>
One particular user:

Standard Edition Server: dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:contacto.xml /user:<sip URL>
Enterprise Pool: dbimpexp.exe /hrxmlfile:contacts.xml /user:<sip URL> /sqlserver:sqlservername

To import
All users:

Standard Edition Server: dbimpexp.exe /import /hrxmlfile:contactos.xml Enterprise Pool: dbimpexp.exe /import /hrxmlfile:contactos.xml /sqlserver:<SQL_Hostname>

One particular user:

Standard Edition Server: dbimpexp.exe /import /hrxmlfile:contacto.xml /user:<sip URL>Enterprise Pool: dbimpexp.exe /import /hrxmlfile:contacto.xml /user:<sip URL> /sqlserver:SQL_SERVER


1 comment:

  1. que grande el colo!!!!!! hoy googlee por esto y me trajo a tu blog, saludos diegog :)


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