Friday, March 11, 2011

Update for Daylight Saving Time for Chile now available!!!! Se acaba de liberar el parche para todas las versiones de Windows

Dear Friends,
A hotfix is available to update the Daylight Saving Time for Chile for Windows Operating Systems.

Chile has announced an extension to its DST end date for 2011. This hotfix updates the DST end date for the “(UTC-04:00) Santiago” time zone.
More specifically, this hotfix sets DST as follows:
· Sets DST end date for Chile at first Saturday of April, 2011 at 23:59:59.999

Time zone key nameDisplay nameDST startDST end
Pacific SA Standard Time(UTC-04:00) Santiago2nd Saturday of October at 23:59:59.9991st Saturday of April, 2011 at 23:59:59.999

You can request the update by visiting KB 2519231 or directly here, once you are in the hotfix request site make sure to select the option "Show hotfixes for all platforms and languages" to view the complete list of languages and operating systems.

See the full article



NEWS!!!!!! -- Android users hit by trojan hidden inside fake Google security tool

The security reputation of the Google Android platform has been rocked once again, this time with reports that a fake Google security tool containing a trojan has been circulated.

Ironically, the legitimate version of the utility – Android Market Security Tool – was pushed by Google earlier this month in response to the infections of the DroidDream malware.
As previously reported by Infosecurity, these infections stemmed from the download of infected versions of previously legitimate apps from the Android Market, the online store maintained by Google for smartphone users.
Hackers have subverted the patch/security tool by infecting it with the Android.Bgserv trojan, Infosecurity understands.
According to Mario Ballano, a Symantec security researcher, the fake Google security tool appears to have originated from a Chinese third-party apps website.
The trojan, he reports, seems to be able to send SMS messages if instructed by a command-and-control server located at hxxp://
"Analysis of the application is still ongoing, however, what is shocking is that the threat's code seems to be based on a project hosted on Google Code.

See the ful article
