Sunday, April 17, 2011

NEWS!!! Asia out of IPv4 addresses .Who will be next??

I want to share this news about IPv4 and one tutorial about IPv6, please check this IPv6 forum : .

And..... for Exchange 2010 ???? check my previous post
Spanish Version

The article:
The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) has run out of all but a handful of IPv4 addresses that it is holding in reserve for start-up network operators.
APNIC is the first of the Internet's five regional Internet registries to deplete its free pool of IPv4 address space.
APNIC's news is another sign that CIOs and other IT executives need to begin migrating to IPv6, the long-anticipated upgrade to the Internet's main communications protocol known as IPv4.

"For anybody who hasn't figured out that it's time to do IPv6, this is another wake-up call for them," says Owen DeLong, an IPv6 evangelist at Hurricane Electric and a member of the advisory council of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), the North American counterpart to APNIC.
Any CIO who isn't planning for IPv6 is "driving toward a brick wall and closing your eyes and hoping that it's going to disappear before you get there," DeLong says. Ignoring IPv6 "is not the best strategy."
Most IPv4 address space is expected to be handed out by the regional Internet registries by the end of 2011.
IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses and can support 4.3 billion devices connected directly to the Internet. IPv6, on the other hand, uses 128-bit addresses and supports a virtually unlimited number of devices -- 2 to the 128th power.
The Asia Pacific region has been gobbling up the most IPv4 address space in recent years. Geoff Huston, Chief Scientist at APNIC, said APNIC allocated more than 58 million IPv4 addresses in the last two months alone: 41.2 million in March and 16.8 million in April. Among the largest allocations since February 1 were 8.3 million to NTT Communications of Japan, 4.1 million addresses to China Mobile, 4.1 million addresses to KDDI of Japan. and 3.1 million to North Star Information of China. Three other carriers -- India's Bharti Airtel Ltd.,  Pakistan Telecommunications and Chinanet Hunan Province Network -- all received 2 million IPv4 addresses.
APNIC has depleted its IPv4 address space "dramatically faster than people expected," DeLong says. "My guess is that a lot of operators in the Asia Pacific region realized the time of IPv4 depletion was drawing near and they rushed to get their applications in."

See the full article here :


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