Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Performance and Threshold Counters for Exchange Server 2010 - CAS Server

Good morning!!
Here the most important performance counters and their thresholds is critical to establishing a performance baseline and monitoring plan to proactively monitor your Exchange 2010 environment and troubleshoot and resolve issues when they arise

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OWA Counters

MSExchange OWA\Average Search TimeShould be less than 5,000 ms at all times.
Shows the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete.

ASP.NET Counters

ASP.NET\Application RestartsShould be 0 at all times.
Shows the number of times the application has been restarted during the Web server's lifetime.
ASP.NET\Worker Process RestartsShould be 0 at all times.
Shows the number of times a worker process has restarted on the computer.
ASP.NET\Request Wait TimeShould be 0 at all times.Values greater than this should be investigated.
Shows the number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
ASP.NET Applications(*)\Requests In Application QueueShould be 0 at all times.Values greater than this should be investigated.
Shows the number of requests in the application request queue.

Avalability Service Counters

MSExchange Availability Service\Average Time to Process a Free Busy RequestShould always be less than 5.
Shows the average time to process a free/busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free/busy responses do not have meeting suggestions.

ActiveSync Service Counters

MSExchange ActiveSync\Ping Commands PendingPing Commands Pending and Sync Commands Pending are the number of hanging requests, which should be almost equal to the number of Direct Push and Hanging sync users
MSExchange ActiveSync\Sync Commands Pending
Ping Commands Pending is the number of Ping commands that are currently pending on the server.
Sync Commands Pending is the number of Sync commands that are currently pending on the server.
MSExchange ActiveSync\Requests QueuedAverage of 50-100
Requests Queued is the number of HTTP requests that are waiting to be assigned to a thread.

RPC/HTTP Proxy Counters (Windows Server 2008 Only)

RPC/HTTP Proxy\Number of Failed Back-End Connection attempts per SecondShould be 0 at all times.
Shows the rate at which the RPC proxy attempts are occurring but fail to establish a connection to a back-end server.

RPC Client Access Counters

MSExchange RpcClientAccess\RPC Averaged LatencyBelow 250ms
RPC Averaged Latency is the latency, in milliseconds, averaged for the past 1024 packets.
MSExchange RpcClientAccess\RPC Operations/sec
RPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur, per second.
MSExchange RpcClientAccess\RPC RequestsShould not be over 40
RPC Requests is the number of client requests that are currently being processed by the RPC Client Access service.

Microsoft Exchange Address Book Service

MSExchangeAB\NSPI RPC Browse Requests Average LatencyBelow 1000ms
NSPI RPC Browse Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI browse requests took to complete during the sampling period.
MSExchangeAB\NSPI RPC Requests Average LatencyBelow 1000ms
NSPI RPC Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI requests took to complete during the sampling period.
MSExchangeAB\Referral RPC Requests Average LatencyBelow 1000ms
Referral RPC Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that referral requests took to complete during the sampling period.

Microsoft Exchange Control Panel

MSExchange Control Panel\Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response TimeAverage under 6000ms
Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that requests sent to a secondary Client Access server took to complete during the sampling period.
MSExchange Control Panel\Requests - Average Response TimeAverage under 6000ms
Requests - Average Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) the Exchange Control Panel took to respond to a request during the sampling period.

Client Access Server OAB Download Counters

MSExchangeFDS:OAB(*)\Download Task QueuedShould be 0 at all times.Values greater than 0 indicate a failure to copy OAB data files from Mailbox servers.
Shows a value of 1 if the task is queued for execution, otherwise shows 0.
MSExchangeFDS:OAB(*)\Download Tasks CompletedShould be less than or equal to 3 per day.Values greater than 3 per day indicate the schedule for the Client Access server to download updated OAB files is not a default schedule.
Shows the number of OAB download tasks completed since the File Distribution service started. The default value is every 480 minutes or 8 hours.


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