Sunday, January 30, 2011

UDP Notification Support Re-added to Exchange 2010 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For once, Microsoft has heard our prayers and recovered the UPD notifications. So our customers with Outlook 2003 clients will be happy as they were with Exchange 2003.
The complete article :

I am very pleased to let you all know that in response to your feedback we are adding support for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) notification functionality back into Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. While Outlook 2010 is the best way to experience all that Exchange 2010 has to offer, you have been very clear that many of you have longer client deployment cycles or are waiting for a desktop hardware refresh before upgrading clients. Regardless of the reasons, those of you who have users running Outlook 2003 have seen those users' Outlook performance degrade with the removal of UDP. You can learn more about this issue in the related Microsoft Support article.
We've heard you loud and clear and so this functionality will be re-introduced in Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 Roll-Up 3 (SP1 RU3). As a result, we have adjusted the RU3 schedule in order to complete the engineering work required to include UDP support within the rollup, which we now expect to release in March. We hope this change is welcome news.
As always, our goal is to improve your experience with Exchange overall, so if you have additional feedback, please continue to provide it. We are listening.
Kevin Allison
General Manager - Exchange Customer Experience

see the article

Next step? We should wait for the RU3


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MS Outlook 2003 clients disconnections with CAS Exchange 2010 Issue Solved!!

Hi everyone,
I'm glad to announce that we've facing the following issue:
"Outlook 2003 client disconnects every time from Exchange Server"
I have the following Exchange 2010 infrastructure:
Two CAS servers with Windows 2008 R2 Server over a VMware host
One DAG with two Mailbox server members.
As we had an exchange client environment with outlook 2003 SP3 running in On line mode, we started to have delay issues :
  • Outgoing e-mail messages stay in the Outbox for up to 1 minute.
  • New e-mail messages do not arrive in the Inbox for up to 1 minute.
  • Items that are deleted from folders do not disappear from the folder for up to 1 minute.
  • Items that are moved from one folder to another folder take up to 1 minute to disappear from the original folder.

This is caused by:
When Outlook opens an initial connection to an Exchange server, Outlook tries to register itself to receive new message notifications. If Outlook can register for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) notifications, an Exchange server sends a notification to Outlook by using UDP when a new message arrives in the mailbox. When Outlook receives this UDP notification, Outlook retrieves the message from the Exchange server and displays the message in the appropriate folder. If Outlook UDP, Outlook reverts to polling the Exchange server for changes. Although this polling behavior is initiated by Outlook, the Exchange server dictates the polling frequency. By default, Outlook performs polling every 60 seconds.
The problems occur because Exchange Server 2010 does not issue UDP notifications to Outlook. Therefore, Outlook cannot register to receive UDP notifications from Exchange Server 2010. Additionally, Outlook is not notified about changes that are made to a folder until Outlook polls the server for these changes. The default polling interval for Outlook is about 60 seconds. This is why you see delays that last approximately 1 minute in these folder actions. (see the art : )

Note This problem affects Outlook 2003 because it uses UDP as its primary method for receiving notifications from an Exchange server. Outlook 2007 is mostly unaffected by this problem because, by default, it uses an asynchronous notification process that does not rely on UDP notifications.

So we create a registry entry in both CAS servers as:

  • Start Registry Editor.
  • Locate and then click to select the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeRPC\ParametersSystem  Note Create the \ParametersSystem registry subkey if it does not exist.
  • Add the following registry data to the server:

    Value type: REG_DWORD
    Value name:
    Maximum Polling FrequencyValue data: any integer between 5000 and 120000 (decimal value)
  • Exit Registry Editor.
The decimal value 5000 has been set and this Outlook issue was fixed. Also we configured all Outlook clients 2003 to run in Cache Mode by GPO (see the link Using Group Policy to enforce Cached Exchange Mode settings at that section)

BUT BUT BUT, But as the mailboxes movement from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 was progressing, we started getting connection problems that led me to create this POST.
After almost a month of troubleshooting with Microsoft, we deleted the registry entry in both CAS server and restarted the Exchange RPC service.

So PLEASE DO NOT CREATE THIS ENTRY  "Maximum Polling Frequency"  IN YOURS CAS servers this will open the Hell's doors!!
Be happy


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mover buzones de Exchange 2003 a Exchange 2007 desde un archivo CSV

Buscando la mejor forma de automatizar el movimiento de mailboxes desde Exchange 2003 a Exchage 2007 de una manera simple modificando el script move-mailboxcsv.ps1.  Se me ocurrió lo siguiente:
Este script usa el cmdlet de Exchange 2007 Move-Mailbox , entonces usando los parámetros del mismo crear dos scripts independientes, uno para el chequeo de los usuarios de la lista en el archivo CSV y otro para hacer le move.
En mi opinión combiene preparar una estructura de folders como las de abajo:

El formato que debe tener las listas en el archivo CSV debe tener la siguiente forma:


Migración a Exchange 2010 - Parte 1 Herramientas de preparación

Esta es la primer parte de una serie de consideraciones que debemos tener para preparar nuestro entorno antes de intalar nuestro primer CAS.
Como primer medida existen varias herramientas de Microsoft que nos ayudaran a poder tener un ambiente estable :
Microsoft IT Environment Health Scanner:
Verifica el estado de salud de:
  • Domain controllers
  • Sites & subnets
  • Directory Replication
  • DNS
  • NTS (servicio de sincro de hora)
  • Configuración de red de servidores DNS, Exchange y Domain Controllers

Por supuesto el paso sigueinte es corregir todos los errores que encuentre la tool
Active Directory Topology Diagrammer:
Esta tool dibuja (necesitas tener instalado Visio 2007/2010)  la topología física y lógica de :
  • Active Directory (Domain Controllers)
  • Active Directory Sites 
  • Organización de Exchange

Troubleshoot Assistant : 
El Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant nos ayuda a determinar las causas de alguno porblemas de performnce, flujo de correo y montado de bases de datos en servers corriendo Microsoft Exchange Server.

Exchange Load Generator
Esta tool mide el impacto de clientes MAPI. POP3 e IMAP4, esta tool tarda mucho tiempo en sacar el resultado y es conveninente intalarla y correrla en un entorno de lab, con un CAS/HUB/MBX instalado.Esta tool genera usuarios aleatorios en AD en una OU en particular. Debido a esto es recomendable correrla en un entorno de porducción con los resultados del lab.

Exchange Best Practices Analyzer
Esta tool recolect en forma programática seteos y valores desde el AD, registry de los servers y metabases.Una vez colectados se mustran los seteos  recomendados de Best Practices para la topologia descubierta
Nota: Exchange Best Practices Analyzer v2.8 no se debe usar para scanear Exchange 2007 & Exchange 2010, para poder hacerlo en dichas versions correr Exbpa desde la línea de comando o desde la Toolbox en la Exchange Management Console
 Remote Connectivity Analizer
Este sitio es excelente para probar o publicaciones de Exchange Active Sync, Outlook Anywhere o simplementeo rutoe entrante de SMTP

Con esto terminamos esta primer parte, espero que les sea útil


Exchange 2010 move request..¿cuál es la experiencia del lado del usuario conectado?

En esta oportunidad les dejo una tablita bastante útil para entender o tener a mano que pasa del lado del usuario cuando hacemos un new-moveRequest.

En la tabla siguiente se enumeran los escenarios soportados  mover buzones de correo de Exchange:

Experiencia del usuario dependiendo desde donde a donde es movido y al tipo de cliente que esté conectado:

En el suiguiente post me extenderé acerca del move-request de Exchange 2010 y sus diferencias con Exchange 2003 y Exchange 2007. Espero que les sea útil

Monday, January 24, 2011

Como zafar del infierno de un tracking en Exchange 2007- Updated

les paso un script  útil para hacer un track en 2007 en todos los hub transport servers de una, sin tener que hacer varios tracks por server, pegen el codogo de abajo en un txt con extension ps1 y corranlo desde una consola de EMS, espero que les sea útil
$servers = Get-Exchangeserver|where {$_.isHubTransportServer -eq $true}
$servicios = Get-Service -computername $servers | where {$_.displayname -like "*transport log*"}
foreach ($server in $servers){
foreach ($servicio in $servicios){
write-host $
write-host $servicio.displayname
if ($servicio.status -eq "Running"){
Get-MessageTrackingLog -server $ -EventId "RECEIVE" -Start "01/18/2011 0:00:00" |fl Sender,Recipients,ServerHostname,Timestamp,MessageSubject
write-host $ + "has the service " + $servicio.displayname $servicio.status

Note: This script run on Windows Powershell 2.0
(thank you JuanMa)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


He creado este blog con la idea de compartir experiencias en estos más de 10 años de trabajo intenso en migraciones con MS Exchange en diferentes ambientes.
Estaré posteando brevemente...espero sus comentarios
